Lokahi Resources
‘Lōkahi [loh-kah-hee]- to bring about unity’
Lōkahi is a living mindset that is embedded into the very culture of our world.
The Lōkahi Committee builds awareness, advocates and promotes diversity, equity and inclusion by progressing initiatives that ensure the equality of opportunities and experiences for all.
Cultural Diversity Resources
Eliminating racism, empowering women
Website with action guides, webinars, and tools to teach kids to think critically about racial inequity, racial justice, and inclusivity.
Podcasts, books, and articles to help you talk about race to kids
A collection of resources to learn about diversity in Hawai‘i

Cultural Resources
- Malama Maui Nui
This is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to educate, inspire and empower residents and visitors alike to nurture the environment in support of Maui Nui’s ecosystems, economy, quality of life and unique Hawaiian culture. They offer road & beach clean-ups, recycling & trash education and much more. - Hawaiʻi Land Trust – Preserving the Hawaiian Culture

DEI Resources for Ability & Accessibility
LGBTQIA+ Resources
Counseling & information: 808-242-4900 | mauiaids.org
Maui Pride is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded to encourage, celebrate, and educate all people of the positive diversity of the LGBTQ community.
Serves LGBTQI and allies of LGBTQI adolescents and young adults ages 13 to 26.
Safe Zone Program training for staff and students at UH to be allies and advocates for the LGBTQ students. UHMC Commissioners Kealii Z. Ballao and Paul Thornton, Commissioners for LGBTQ+ Equality
Contact: uhmclgbt@hawaii.edu | www.maui.hawaii.edu/lgbtq-plus
@ Mālama I Ke Ola Health Center
Medical and behavioral health services for transgender and gender variant individuals.
If you or someone you know is feeling overwhelmed with a crisis, the Hawaiʻi Crisis Line is available 24/7.
Oahu:808-832-3100 | Outer Islands: 808-753-6879
The state’s largest organization dedicated to securing equality for all LGBT people and their families through educational programs. www.equalityhawaii.org
An association for actively serving LGBT military personnel, veterans, & their families, dedicated to bringing about full LGBT equality to America’s military and strengthening the military’s culture of inclusion
Offers reproductive health services, education, and advocacy for people of all ages, religions, and sexual orientations throughout the state. The Honolulu, Kahului, and Kailua-Kona centers now provide Hormone Therapy to MTF transgender patients.